3223 Navette

3223 Navette Rhinestones are navette shaped with a hole on each end for attaching. They come in sizes 12x6 and 18x9.
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Premium Emerald 18x9mm Navette
Sew on NAVETTEEmerald 18x9mmThese Sew On crystals are faceted cut like an eye (marqu..
Premium Light Siam 12x6mm Navette
Sew on NAVETTELight Siam 12x6mm These Sew On crystals are faceted cut like an eye (ma..
Premium Light Siam 18x9mm Navette
Sew on NAVETTELight Siam 18x9mmThese Sew On crystals are faceted cut like an eye (marquise). Th..
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